We invite proposals in the following categories: a) Thematic Panels with individual papers solicited by the organizer(s) (detailed below); b) Workshops with individual papers solicited by the organizer(s) (detailed below); c) Independent individual papers; d) Films; e) Posters. For all categories except Posters, presenters must be SALSA members and must have earned a Ph.D. or be an advanced student in a Ph.D. program. Posters are open to other students and to professional members. Paper presentations in panels must be no longer than 20 minutes in length; workshop formats are defined by the workshop organizer(s). Abstracts and papers may be submitted and presented in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Normally, there shall be a limit of one paper and one other official role per person.
Review of proposals:
Every proposal will be reviewed. October 31, 2016 is the deadline to submit proposals for thematic panels and workshops. Email notification of acceptance of panel/workshop proposals will be sent by November 30, 2016. January 31, 2017 is the deadline for submitting individual papers, films, or posters. Email notification of acceptance of proposals will be sent by February 28, 2017.
Instructions for panel organizers:
(Note that panels and workshops function differently!)
Panels will feature four to ten 20-minute slots for papers, with a 20-minute slot to be interspersed every three to five papers for discussion. Each panel will have a minimum of four papers; organizers may allocate discussion time to invited discussants. Each panel shall have a chair, who shall enforce time limits on presentations.
Proposals for a thematic panel should include an abstract for the session prepared by the organizer, including paper abstracts from at least four authors. If the organizer of a thematic panel wishes to solicit papers to form a panel, the organizer should submit an abstract for the session to the Academic Program Chair by October 31, 2016; if approved, the Academic Program Chair will circulate this abstract to the SALSA membership, as part of a list of panels or workshops that are seeking participants. Open slots in panels may also be filled with a volunteered paper assigned by the Program Chair. Panel organizers should complete the online SALSA 2017 Panel Submission Form.
Instructions for workshop organizers:
(Note that panels and workshops function differently!)
A workshop is a focused discussion of a topic defined by the organizer, with well-developed papers submitted in advance (deadline: October 31, 2016) and the expectation that participants will read and be prepared to discuss each other’s papers. It is expected that each participant will present a summary or highlights of his or her paper in 15 to 20 minutes, after which there will be 40 to 45 minutes for careful discussion of it. The workshop organizer shall invite paper presenters and other participants; he or she must also specify in the SALSA 2017 Workshop Submission Form whether participation is limited to those invited, or whether the session is open for general attendance.
It is the organizers’ responsibility to enforce the deadline (or set another deadline) to receive papers and circulate these in advance to the workshop participants. An author who fails to meet the deadline will be dropped from the session. Workshop organizers may redefine procedures as appropriate to the session’s objective, but will inform the Academic Program Chair of the matter ([email protected]); however, the requirement for pre-circulation of fairly completed drafts is essential to the workshop format.
Instructions for members submitting paper proposals in a panel or workshop:
Prepare and submit your proposal online via the SALSA 2017 Individual Paper/Poster/Film Proposal form, noting the title of the panel or workshop in the space provided. Please also send your title and abstract and any other relevant information to the organizer of your workshop or panel.
Instructions for members submitting film proposals:
Members volunteering a film to be screened during the conference should fill in the SALSA 2017 Individual Paper/Poster/Film Proposal form. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2017. In the abstract section of the form, include a brief statement explaining the film’s theme, length in minutes, and format (DVD, jumpdrive, etc.).
Instructions for poster proposal submissions (open to non-member students and professional members):
Students at all levels may present a poster; SALSA membership is not required, but poster presenters must register and pay the student registration fee. To submit a poster proposal, fill in the SALSA 2017 Individual Paper/Poster/Film Proposal form. For guidelines on creating a poster, see: http://www.aaanet.org/meetings/upload/how-to-create-anthropology-posters.pdf. Posters may be cut-and-pasted on cardboard, or printed. Poster proposals are due January 31, 2016.
Instructions for members submitting individual paper proposals:
Individuals wishing to submit a paper proposal should complete the SALSA 2017 Individual Paper/Poster/Film Proposal form. The deadline for paper proposal submissions is January 31, 2017. The Program Chair will organize accepted independent papers into thematic panels, or assign them to an appropriate organized panel that has an opening.