Results of the SALSA 2022 Elections for the Board of Directors (7-6-22)
Results of the SALSA 2022 Elections for the Board of Directors
6 July 2022
It is my pleasure to congratulate the successful candidates in the recent SALSA Elections, and to thank all the members who ran and voted.
Simone Athayde of Florida International University will be joining the Board of Directors as Secretary-Treasurer. Congratulations, Simone!
Matthias Lewy of the University of Brasilia will be joining the Board as an At Large Member. Congratulations, Matthias!
Laura Mentore of Mary Washington University will also be joining the Board as a At Large Member. Congratulations, Laura!
On behalf of the entire membership I’d like to send a special thanks and congratulations to Daniela Peluso (University of Kent), Juan Castrillon (University of Pennsylvania), and Laura Zanotti (Purdue University) for their incredible service to SALSA over many years on the Board and in other leadership positions. Your efforts have benefited us all! Thank you, too, to Elliott Oakley (UC-Santa Cruz) and Courtney Stafford-Walter (University of Edinburgh) for their willingness to serve in these positions and support SALSA. The new members of the Board will be seated immediately and will serve though June 30, 2025.
Many thanks to all,
Jeremy Campbell, President of SALSA
For further details, see the SALSA leadership page.