Criminalization of anthropology in Brazil (5-9-2017)
SALSA letter to Carmen Lucia, Minister of Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court regarding criminalization of anthropology in Brazil
SALSA has sent a letter denouncing the criminalization of anthropology, of our colleagues of the Brazilian Anthropological Association (ABA) and other professionals and indigenous leaders, whose activities in support of legal land demarcation could result in criminal indictments after a contested, politically motivated parliamentary inquiry. Here are excerpts from the letter. The full letter, in English and Portuguese, is available for download below.
Exma. Ministra Carmen Lúcia, Supremo Tribunal Federal – STF Brasilia, BRAZIL
cc: Dr. Ricardo Lewandowski [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Your Honorable Ministra Carmen Lucia:
The Executive Board of The Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA) stands together with its sister professional organizations to repudiate the decision of the Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) of the Brazilian Congress’s Chamber of Deputies relating to the activities and procedures of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA)…The Executive Board of SALSA expresses its concern with the decision of the Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) regarding the activities of research with traditional communities. We fear that the decision may criminalize anthropologists and other professionals by alleging that they have breached fiduciary regulations and responsibilities. We therefore stand with ABA, which we recognize as one of the most highly respected professional scholarly associations in the world. We believe that the CPI’s interference can only be interpreted as a strategy to intimidate and disrupt the work of highly respected professionals. It could threaten academic freedom and the freedom to do research, endeavors that are fundamental to all scientific work…
Read full letter in English…
Read full letter in Portuguese…
Read the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA’s) letter of condemnation (May 3)…
Sign SALSA’s petition condemning genocidal turn in Brazilian indigenous policies (until May 12)…
[Photo: http://racismoambiental.net.br/2016/07/13/]
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