Indigenous Engagement with Digital & Electronic Media

Indigenous Engagement with Digital & Electronic MediaInDigital: Indigenous Engagement with Digital & Electronic Media in Latin America – March 26-28 2016

InDigital: Indigenous Engagement with Digital & Electronic Media in Latin America: Since the 1990s researchers in the emergent field of Indigenous Media have documented and analyzed indigenous peoples’ engagement with various forms of digital and electronic media. In Latin America the use of digital cameras, cell phones, Facebook, and YouTube opens up a new universe of expression and interaction that is evolving in unpredictable ways. Combined with the consumption of both indigenous and non-indigenous media, critical, but largely as yet unexamined changes in world view and behavior are rapidly unfolding.

The InDigital Latin American Conference will explore these themes through a series of individual papers, round table discussions, and short films.Dr. Faye Ginsburg will give the key note address. The conference will show the Video in the Villages (Brazil) film As Hiper Mulheres (The Hyperwomen) accompanied by commentary from the director/Anthropologist Carlos Fausto and Kuikuro videographers. Kayapó filmmakers will also screen their short films followed with a question and answer session.

The registration and abstract submission deadline have been extended and must be completed by February 16th, 2015.”


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