
SALSA 2023 Welcoming reception

Welcoming reception SALSA 2023XIV SALSA Biennial Conference

Welcoming Reception

CAPIUL Maloca (Calle 7 x Carrera 5, Leticia, Amazonas)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 18:00

Chair: Abel Antonio Santos, Magütá people.

The reception will be inaugurated by the Magütá (Tikuna) people, whose representatives will ritually present the work of the conference to the owners of the territory to protect and harmonize the thought and spirit of all the guests. We will be accompanied by the elders Paulino Santos, Camilo Ramos and Silvia Bautista from the community of Arara, and with the coordination of Abel Antonio Santos, Magütá teacher and Doctor of the National University of Colombia.

Jeremy Campbell (SALSA President), Juan Alvaro Echeverri (Conference Organizer) and Natalia Buitron (Academic Program Coordinator) will offer brief words of welcome, followed by a reception with food and drinks, prepared by Ms. Flor Zafirekudo, from Murui-Mɨnɨka people.