Giancarlo Rolando: Member-At-Large 2019-2024
Giancarlo Rolando
University of Virginia
Member-At-Large of the SALSA Board 2019 – 2024
Giancarlo Rolando is a sociocultural anthropologist interested in the politics of Indigenous/settler relations in Lowland South America, with a focus on Indigenous ideas of personhood, relatedness, and morality. For his doctoral dissertation, Giancarlo conducted ethnographic research with the Mastanawa People of the Upper Purus River (Brazilian-Peruvian border). Giancarlo’s dissertation examines the Mastanawa experience of the encompassing society through analysis of their quotidian interactions with their neighbors and narratives of their contact process.
More recently, Giancarlo has been working on the local politics of environmental conservation, and is interested in collaborative and decolonial research methodologies. Giancarlo’s current research interests are connected to his work in SHARE-Amazónica, including the two collaborative research workshops organized in Atalaya (Peruvian Amazonia) and ongoing efforts to translate classic ethnographies of the region into local languages and publish works by Amazonian authors.
Giancarlo Rolando’s institutional webpage: https://anthropology.as.virginia.edu/people/profile/1668