Hunter-gatherer music research associate position
Hunter-gatherer music research associate position – University College London
The University College London is seeking a candidate for a Hunter-gatherer music research associate position. The successful candidate will be a promising ethnomusicologist familiar with methods in comparative ethnomusicology. The main focus of the post will be to make a comparison of the music and musicking practices of egalitarian hunter-gatherers societies from across the world, and publish the results. The primary research focus will be on hunter-gatherers in Africa and South-East Asia. The researcher will be expected to participate in interdisciplinary ways across the department in relevant research groups and other activities, but will be part of the Hunter-Gatherer Resilience Research Group (http://www.adapting.org.uk) based in the Department of Anthropology at UCL (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/anthropology). The position is initially funded for one year and is available from June 2015.