Trans-Environmental Dynamics at LMU Munich (12.7.14)
Trans-Environmental Dynamics: Understanding and Debating Ontologies, Politics, and History in Latin America
Trans-Environmental Dynamics, Conference at LMU Munich, Germani, 29-31 October 2015. Conveners: Eveline Dürr (LMU Munich), Ernst Halbmayer (University of Marburg), and Karoline Noack (University of Bonn). Sponsors: LMU Munich in cooperation with the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
“This upcoming conference links into current debates among diverse conceptualizations of the environment and thus, of various ways of knowing, making sense of, and interacting in the given world(s). In recent years, relationships between the environment and humans as well as other-than humans have become a central research topic in anthropology, the human- ities, and beyond. Anthropological theory and methodology are contributing decisively to new approaches in (non)human-environmental relationships by continuously generating new empirical evidence that allows for nuanced debates in this field. Currently, the ontological turn is at center stage and has stirred much discussion and controversy, with critiques rang- ing from attributing culturalist, essentialist tendencies to this approach, to celebrating it as a new tool that opens an untapped heuristic potential.”
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