Ana Felicien Pérez Whitten Research Fund 2021
Ana Felicien Pérez
Winner of the Norm and Sibby Whitten Research Fund 2021
Past and present afro-diasporic contributions to tropical food systems: a Caribbean – Amazonian dialogue in times of crisis
Using a historical perspective and engaging participatory approach, this study seeks to analyze the past and present contributions afro-diasporic farmers and communities to local and regional food sovereignty in Amazonian and Caribbean regions. In the tropical region of South-America, a colonial legacy of dispossession has contributed to the current marginalization of traditional communities and displaced their farming practices, contributing to the expansion of the globalized food regime, especially among afro-diasporic communities. However, these processes and the role of agri-food practices of traditional communities are still little studied.
About Ana Felicien Pérez
Ana Felicien Pérez is doctoral researcher from the Universidade Federal do Pará. She was granted 850 USD.