Die Lieder der Richtigen Menschen: Musikalische Kulturanthropologie der indigenen Bevölkerung im Ucayali-Tal, Westamazonien
By Bernd Brabec de Mori
Helbling Verlag, 2015
I gladly announce the launching of my book Die Lider der Richtigen Menschen: Musikalische Kulturanthropologie der indigenen Bevölkerung im Ucayali-Tal, Westamazonien (“Songs of the Real People. A Musical Anthropology of Indigenous People in the Ucayali Valley, Western Amazon”) (in German). The book is about vocal music among the Ashéninka, Yine, Amin Waki, Shipibo-Konibo, Kakataibo, Iskobakebo, and Kukama-Kukamiria people in the Peruvian Lowlands. 781 pages, incl. DVD rom. Although the book is in German, it may be interesting also for non-German-speakers, because it comes with a DVD including 23 audiovisual supplement files plus 465 fully translated song lyrics in indigenous languages, Spanish and German, along with corresponding musical transcriptions and listening samples for all these songs.
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