Laura Zanotti: Secretary-Treasurer 2017-2022
Laura Zanotti
Purdue University
Secretary-Treasurer 2017-2022
Laura Zanotti is an environmental anthropologist and interdisciplinary social scientist who partners with communities to support how Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Peoples, and Local Communities’ livelihoods and well-being can be sustained and to identify the pathways that shape just futures. Zanotti prioritizes decolonial STEAM education as a critical space for engagement. I joined the Purdue Faculty in 2009 and am an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology and Associate Director of the Center for the Environment. I am thrilled to be affiliate faculty in the American Studies, Human Rights, and Latin American and Latino Studies programs and certificates on campus.
Laura Zanotti’s institutional website: https://cla.purdue.edu/directory/profiles/laura-zanotti.html