Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin: SALSA President 2017-2020
Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin
University of Regina
SALSA President 2017-2020
From Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin‘s website:
I am fascinated by people’s moral and aesthetic evaluations: their talk and other expressions concerning what they esteem or despise. In my research and writing I address how social life shapes individuals’ moralities and understandings of themselves, and in turn how individuals interacting with each other create social life and reproduce and transform these moralities and understandings. I have carried out ethnographic fieldwork among People of the Center (Colombian Amazon) since 1993, mainly with Muinane-speaking clans. In recent years I’ve broadened my ethnographic interests to address moral understandings in and around Female Genital Surgeries and the commitment to a natural scientific outlook.
I teach the following courses in the Department of Anthropology’s undergraduate program: Introduction to Anthropology, The Anthropology of Language, The Anthropology of Personhood, Ethnographic Fieldwork Methods, The Ethnography of Amazonia, and The Anthropology of Contemporary Human Problems. At the graduate level, I’ve taught advanced courses on key debates in the anthropological study of indigenous Amazonian peoples, and courses on selfhood and morality.
From 2017 till 2020 I am President of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, and the elected faculty member on the University of Regina’s Board of Governors.
Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin’s current Curriculum Vitae: https://www.uregina.ca/arts/anthropology/assets/docs/pdf/CLondono-cv-2019.pdf