Loretta Cormier: Secretary-Treasurer 2005-2008
Loretta Cormier
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Secretary-Treasurer 2005-2008
From Loretta Cormier’s webpage:
I have done research in a wide variety of areas, but all relate to historical ecology, a multidisciplinary field that explores human-ecological relationships over time. As a Fulbright scholar, I worked with the Awá-Guajá, a group of Amazonian hunter-gatherers, designated by Survival International as “the world’s most endangered culture.” My work was in ethnoprimatology, exploring the relationship of the Awá-Guajá to local monkeys in social, cosmological, and ecological domains. More recent work in ethnoprimatology has involved medical anthropology, specifically, new emerging infections related to wild primates such as HIV/AIDS, Chikungunya, Zika, and new forms of malaria.
Other fieldwork experiences include work with MOWA-Choctaw, serving as their tribal anthropologist for many years. Here, ethnohistorical research was conducted, including the historical links of the MOWA-Choctaw to their native lands in South Alabama. I also spent two summers as Co-PI on an NSF grant for an undergraduate field school in the Lau Group, Fiji, involving various projects historical ecology. In addition, I have conducted research with US populations involving disaster preparedness, funded by grants from the CDC and Homeland Security.
Important contributions to teaching and service include ANTHRO-Teach and the Peace, Justice, and Ecology minor at UAB. ANTHRO-Teach is a non-profit that funds educational outreach in anthropology the community. Dozens of presentations have been given to local K-12 schools and community groups. ANTHRO-Teach also provides small scholarships to students. I currently serve as the director of the Peace, Justice, and Ecology minor at UAB as well as the Anthropology Graduate Director. I also co-wrote an Introductory Cultural Anthropology textbook and an accompanying reader.
Loretta Cormier institutional webpage: https://www.uab.edu/cas/anthropology/people/faculty-directory/loretta-a-cormier