Silvia Hirsch – Member-at-Large 2024-2027
Silvia Hirsch
Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Argentina
Member-at-large of the SALSA Board 2024-2027
Silvia Hirsch has a Master’s and PhD in Anthropology (University of California, Los Angeles, 1991), she has taught at Princeton University, NYU program in Buenos Aires, and in the Master’s in Anthropology at FLACSO, Buenos Aires. She was president of the Colegio de Graduados en Antropología de la Argentina, (2018-2022), and is researcher and professor of anthropology at the Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, where she is the editor of the journal Etnografías Contemporáneas. She has conducted research among indigenous peoples of lowland Bolivia and Argentina, mostly among the Tapiete and Guarani for over 30 years, and published several edited volumes on indigenous women, health, bilingual intercultural education and identities, and numerous articles on these topics. In 2021, she co-edited with Paola Canova and Mercedes Biocca, the book entitled Re-imagining the Gran Chaco: Identities, Politics and Environment in South America (University of Florida Press). Silvia continues conducting research among the Guarani and Tapiete of northwest Argentina and is also conducting research among indigenous urban youth.