Laura R. Graham: Member-at-Large 2011-2014
Laura R. Graham
University of Iowa
Member at Large of the SALSA Board 2011-2014
Laura R. Graham is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Iowa. Her research interests include cultural politics and representation; language, expressive culture and performance; semiotics; indigenous media; indigenous peoples; human rights; and advocacy. She has done fieldwork with the Xavante of Central Brazil since the 1980s and with the Wayuu of Venezuela since 2005. She is author of Performing Dreams: Discourses of Immortality among the Xavante Indians of Central Brazil (Texas, 1995) and Performing Indigeneity: Global Histories and Contemporary Experiences (UNP 2014, with Glenn Penny) and is producer and co-director of the “Owners of the Water: Conflict and Collaboration over Rivers” (DER 2009) with Wayuu and Xavante filmmakers, David Hernández Palmar and Caimi Waiásse. She has served on the AAA Executive Board and Chair of the AAA Committee on Human Rights.
Laura Graham’s institutional webpage: https://clas.uiowa.edu/anthropology/people/laura-r-graham