
Relatos indígenas sobre a situação do Covid-19 no Amazonas, NEAI/UFAM (4-23-20)

Relatos indígenas sobre a situação do Covid-19 no Amazonas

Audio interviews with indigenous researchers of the Nucleus of Studies of Indigenous Amazonia (NEAI) of the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) and members of indigenous communities in Manaus and the Upper Rio Negro, Amazonas state. Interviews with Jonilda Gouveia (Tariano), Clarindo Ramos (Sateré), Justino Resende (Tukuya), Liliane Salgado (Baré), Dagoberto Azevedo (Tukano), Ana Maria Azevdo (Mura), Silvio Barreto (Bará).

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