APIB (Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil) Alerts (4-23-20)
APIB (Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil) Alerts
APIB (Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil, Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil) is publishing a series on the epidemic , emphasizing pressing needs and practical information for indigenous communities, which is continuously expanded and updated, posted on Facebook pages for APIB and COIAB Amazonia. As of 22 April, these were posted:
APIB Alert #1 (18 April 2020): “Field Hospitals and Quick Tests.” Available in Portuguese, English and Spanish at: http://apib.info/2020/04/18/apib-alert-01/?lang=en
APIB Alert #2 (18 April 2020): “Racism and Under-represented Cases.” Available in Portuguese, English and Spanish at: http://apib.info/2020/04/18/apib-alert-02-covid-19-and-indigenous-peoples/?lang=en
APIB article: “Coronavirus: APIB Articulates Strategies with State Governors to Protect Indigenous Peoples Across Brazil” (8 April 2020). Available in Portuguese and English at: http://apib.info/2020/04/08/coronavirus-apib-articulates-strategies-with-state-governors-to-protect-indigenous-peoples-across-brazil/?lang=en
APIB article: “Support the Indigenous Peoples: Help Food, Medicine, and Hygiene Materials Get to the Villages” (22 March 2020). Available in Portuguese, English, and Spanish at: http://apib.info/2020/03/22/support-the-indigenous-peoples-help-food-medicines-and-hygiene-material-get-to-the-villages/?lang=en