Amazonian Ethnocide Memories in Times of Covid-19 by Carlos Fausto (4-23-20)
April 27, 2020
“The Measles from the Time of My Grandfather”: Amazonian Ethnocide Memories in Times of Covid-19
By Carlos Fausto
23 April 2020
“Two weeks ago, Kanari Kuikuro called me from Canarana, a small town in the Brazilian Amazon, where he now lives with his wife and many children. He is originally from the Xingu Indigenous Land, which lies up north and is one of the most culturally rich multiethnic constellation of South America. Kanari was apprehensive.
- Pamü (cousin), we’re afraid. We wanted to go back to the village, but now our Land is closed.
- Pamü, don’t risk it. You can only go back if you go into quarantine. It’s a serious disease.
- I know, pamü, it’s like the measles from the time of my grandfather Agatsipá.”
Continue reading: http://somatosphere.net/2020/the-measles-from-the-time-of-my-grandfather-amazonian-ethnocide-memories-in-times-of-covid-19.html/
Leia em Português: https://www.nexojornal.com.br/ensaio/debate/2020/O-sarampo-do-tempo-de-meu-av%C3%B4-mem%C3%B3rias-do-etnoc%C3%ADdio-na-pandemia