
Refusing missionaries and ‘Us’, the global plague, by Barbara Arisi (3-31-20)

Arisi vale do javari covid-19

Indigenous in the Brazilian Amazon: Refusing missionaries and ‘Us’, the global plague

By Barbara Maisonnave Arisi

Medical Anthropology at UCLA, 31 March 2020

Field diary of anthropologist Barbara Arisi where she reports that UNIVAJA has filed a new complaint against missionaries from  MNTB/Ethnos360 who are organizing from Atalaia do Norte (AM) to enter again (totally illegal) the Vale do Javari Indigenous Territory, an area inhabited by autonomous indigenous peoples (or “isolated”, in the language of the federal government). The letter from UNIVAJA had national and even international repercussion, after the newspaper O Globo published an article based on the denounce a few days later this blog publication.