
How to Protect Rights without Leaving the Community? (4-14-20)

land protection covid

Urgent new scenarios for political advocacy and strategic communication



The crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic poses new scenarios and urgent challenges for political advocacy and strategic communication in favor of indigenous peoples.

If something is clear in the new context we are living in, it is that indigenous organizations know what to do. Their memory of what works in times of crisis that threaten their existence is leading them to exercise various strategies, not exclusive but complementary to each other, such as the following:

a) Close and control its borders and, from there, try to consolidate its food sovereignty in the best possible way;

b) Demand that the government’s social relief policies reach their communities with the necessary speed, quantity, quality, and care.

c) Produce and distribute health communication material in native languages with support from the government and civil society allies.

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