
XIV SALSA Biennial Conference – Solidarity Fund

SALSA 2023.Solidarity feeXIV SALSA Biennial Conference

SALSA 2023 Solidarity Fund

We invited Members to voluntarily contribute an additional solidarity fee, which was exclusively used to facilitate the participation of Indigenous and traditional peoples, and also to cover fee payments of some professional and student members and to help cover the payment of childcare for indigenous and Latin American participants. 


Donations were received from (in alphabetical order): Alba Torrents, Beth Conklin, Claudia López, Connie Campbell, Daniela Peluso, Deise Lucy Montardo, Eduardo Ruiz Urpeque, Elena Alvarez, Ellen Basso, Francoise Barbira Freedman, Glenn H Shepard Jr, Harry Walker, Jeremy Campbell , Juan Castrillón, Laura Graham, Laura Zanotti, Laura Rival, Louis Forline, Luisa Elvira Belaunde, Mark Harris, Natasha Andrade, Ofer Gazit, Patience Epps, Patrícia Vieira, Richard Wallace, Roy Oakley, Sidney Alberto Castillo Cárdenas, Silvia Melo Futada, Simon Lobach, Simone Athayde, Soren Hvalkof, Stephen Beckerman, Steve Mount, Suzanne Oakdale, Thomas Moore, Tom Laffay, and 29 other people who preferred to remain anonymous.

The total amount received in voluntary donations was $3,374. Additional donations were received from:

  • SALSA President Laura Graham: $5,000
  • The SALSA Board: $2,452
  • Forest Peoples Programme: $780
  • Interamerican Institute: $680

These funds, together with two grants from the Wenner-Gren Foundation ($18,600) and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation ($20,000), gave a total of $50,886, which allowed us to facilitate the participation of 70 people, in different modalities.

Use of the received donations

Air and/or river travel, plus lodging and food (54 participants)

Alfredo Grover Sandi Navarro, Anjo Dely Duarte da Gama [didn’t attend], Arlete Guajajara [didn’t attend], Balbina Lambos, Beroniga Tascón Siagama, Breno Trindade Silva, Daiara Hori Figueroa Sampaio, Danna Gaviota Tello Morey, Davi Pereira Junior, Diana Chávez Vargas, Diomedes de Jesús Bernal Fernández, Domingo Raúl Ankuash Chayuk, Edgar Peas García, Efrén Rigoberto Merino Santi [didn’t attend], Emma Taish Masuk, Enoc Merino Santi, Felipe Juan Borman Quenama, Francineia Fontes Baniwa, Francis Quique, Hemily Pastanas Marinho, Hugo Alfonso Lucitante Mendua, Iracadju Ka’apor, Jaime Diakara Fernandes, Jaime Corisepa Neri, José Esteban Valencia, Josefina Tunki, Julio César Tunubalá Yalanda, Justino Sarmento Rezende, Katy Jacqueline Betancourt Machoa, Kelly Patiachi Visse, Lener Guimaraes, Lenín Alfonso Morales Lopes, Leonardo Tello Imaina, Lubio Avelino Lara López, Luis Chumpi Vargas Canelos , Luis Miguel Tayori Kendero, Manoel Cunha, María Isabel de Oliveira da Silva, Maria Violet Medina Quiscue [didn’t attend], Orfelinda Shunta Santiak, Perpétua (Suni Canayo Arirama Kukama) Pereira Cerqueira, Raúl Casanto Shingari, Rosa González Henao, Rosijane Fernandes Moura, Rosilene Fonseca (Rosi Whaikon) Pereira, Sani María Montahuano Ushigua, Silvio Sanches (Silvio Bará) Barreto, Sioduhi (Joãonildo) Paulino de Lima, Takaju Guajá, Tenninson Murayari Silvano, Tito Manuel Merino Gayas, Valdeci Tembé, Vanderlecia (Vanda Witoto) Ortega dos Santos, Yaku Viteri Gualinga.

Only air tickets (2)

Januária Pereira Mello, and Ofelia Nelva Salazar Shiguango.

Only lodging and food (7)

Alex  Sebastian Caleb, Edilson Curuaia, Flavio Pereira Ferraz, Guildy Blan Tikuna, José Carlos Almeida Cruz, Larissa Ye’padiho Mota Duarte Tukano, and Magda Miranda.

SALSA Membership and Conference fees (5)

Breno Trindade Silva, Davi Pereira Junior, Derly Viviana Montaña Cuellar, Silvia Margarita Vidal, and Yenny Tatiana González Herrera. (Breno and Davi are already listed above.)

Childcare during the conference (4)

Kasia Albán Soria (Indigenous), Lorena França (Latin American), Myrian Vasques-Tikuna (Indigenous), Victoria Lasprilla (Latin American). (100% for Indigenous participants, 50% for Latin American participants).

Of these 70 people, 62 are indigenous/traditional participants, three are professional members and five are student members. Countries of origin: Brazil: 30; Ecuador: 14; Peru: 13; Colombia: 11; Venezuela: 2. Gender balance: 31 female, 39 male.

Send all inquiries about the Solidarity Fee to:

Juan Alvaro Echeverri, SALSA 2023 Conference Organizer ([email protected])
Simone Athayde, SALSA Secretary-Treasurer: [email protected]