
María Consuelo de Vengoechea – XIV SALSA Conference (2023)

Maria Consuelo de VengoecheaMaría Consuelo de Vengoechea

Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Bogotá

Fourteenth SALSA Biennial Conference – Amazon Triple Frontier Brazil-Colombia-Peru, 27-30 July 2023

Member of the Colombia’s Local Organizing Committee


María Consuelo de Vengoechea is PhD in Language Sciences from the University of Toulouse II Le Mirail, France. She has a Master’s in Ethnolinguistics and is Anthropologist from the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá. She was a member of the Centro Colombiano de Estudios de las Lenguas Aborígenes (CCELA) in Universidad de Los Andres between 1993 and 2002, and is currently professor at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá.
Her main interests are focused on oral memory, linguistic documentation, linguistic and ethnographic description. She is an specialist of the language spoken by the Féenemɨna’a (Muinane), an indigenous group of the Colombian Amazon.

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