Maloca CAPIUL (SALSA Partner)
SALSA Partner
XIV SALSA Biennial Conference 2023
CAPIUL (Cabildo de los Pueblos Indígenas Unidos de Leticia) is an organization that gathers the Indigenous persons displaced from their territories and who are living in the urban area of Leticia. They represent 18 different ethnic groups of the People of the Jaguars of Yurupari (coming from the territories north of the Caquetá River), the People of the Center (from the Interfluvium Caquetá-Putumayo) and the People of Water (from the Amazon River region). The political rallying point of the organization in the newly rebuilt maloca, located in the middle of the city.
CAPIUL has a cooperation agreement with the Amazonia Campus of Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The welcoming reception and the special event Conversations in the maloca” will take place in CAPIUL’s communal house in Leticia.
Interested people can have a lodging in the maloca and take the opportunity to learn first-hand from their leaders about the situation of the urban indigenous populations. For details and prices, please contact them directly.
Contact information
- Address: Cabildo urbano CAPIUL, Calle 7ma con Carrera 5, Leticia, Amazonas.
- Contact person: Divar Matapí, Gobernador CAPIUL.
- Phone: (+57) 3164235013
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/divar.hernandez.16
Please send all inquiries about SALSA Partners to:
Gabriel Vargas ([email protected])