
SALSA 2023 SALSA Membership General Meeting

SALSAXIV SALSA Biennial Conference

SALSA Membership General Meeting

Amazonia Campus, Victoria Amazónica

Sunday, 30 July, 10:00

Chair: Jeremy Campbell, SALSA President

SALSA is your Society! Please join us at the Membership General Meeting to provide feedback on our collective plans for the future and to catch up on SALSA’s activities over the last two years. There will be (brief) officer updates, reports on spending activities, upcoming elections, and announcements and celebrations regarding our Whitten Fund and Rubenstein Award awardees and programs.

The officers and the Board of Directors are particularly eager to respond to your queries and suggestions regarding future meeting plans (see Guidelines for SALSA Meeting Proposals), forthcoming changes in society bylaws, and our Public Issues and Actions Committee processes and priorities.

We urge all members at this meeting to continue to uphold SALSA’s mission to promote ethical and sound research related to lowland South America and its peoples in these precarious times, including through reviewing and upholding SALSA’s Principles of Conviviality, adopted in February 2022.