Gabriel Enrique Vargas – XIV SALSA Conference (2023)
Gabriel Enrique Vargas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Amazonia
Fourteenth SALSA Biennial Conference – Amazon Triple Frontier Brazil-Colombia-Peru, 27-30 July 2023
Member of the Colombia’s Local Organizing Committee
Gabriel Enrique Vargas is a filmmaker and philosopher from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) and a MA in Amazonian Studies at the UNAL’s Amazonia Campus. As a filmmaker he has experience in the areas of scriptwriting, directing, photography and field production. He has been a co-screenwriter for the feature film Sanctuary (2012) produced by the Andrzej Wajda Studio in Poland, as well as a photographer for various feature films and short films released nationally and internationally. His short film Ojo de Pez (2008) was considered by the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea of Barcelona as one of the most significant experimental short films of the last 80 years in Latin America. He has also worked as an audiovisual trainer, as well as a short film jury at festivals such as the Donostia San Sebastián Film Festival in Spain. In the Amazon region he has done field production for international documentaries and humanitarian work with local and indigenous communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. He completed his master’s degree in Amazonian Studies with an ethnographic thesis with an indigenous family from the Loretoyacu River in Colombia.