XIV SALSA Biennial Conference – Conference venue
XIV SALSA Biennial Conference 2023
Conference Venue
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia, Amazonas

Casa Hija Eetane
The main locale of the Conference will be the Amazonia campus of Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) in Leticia, a beautiful venue surrounded by forest. There are ample and comfortable spaces for registration, welcoming reception, coffee break chats, book tables and posters display. For the meeting, we will use three classrooms with capacity for 35, three classrooms with capacity for 25, one classroom with capacity for 60, the auditorium with a capacity for 100, and the Casa Hija Eeetane, a maloca with capacity for 50. All these spaces are equipped with audiovisual equipment and software.
Additionally we will use these spaces outside of the campus:
- The CAPIUL Maloca for the Welcoming reception, on Wednesday the 26th, and Conversations in the Maloca, on Friday the 28th.
- The auditorium of Instituto Sinchi, at 1 km from the campus, for the film screenings on Thursday the 27th, Friday the 28th and Saturday the 30th in the afternoons.
- The auditorium of Banco de la República in downtown Leticia for the Keynote Dialogue.
- And the spectacles place Karaná, not far from Sinchi, for the Conference dinner.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://salsa-tipiti.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/TRIFRONTERA.pdf”]
[pdf-embedder url=”https://salsa-tipiti.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Tri-frontier-area.pdf” title=”Tri-frontier area”]