Academic Freedom and Public Anthropology in Colombia (4-29-19)

SALSA Statement Regarding Academic Freedom and Public Anthropology in Colombia SALSA expresses its concern over the actions of the leadership of the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia) to censor the perspective of professional anthropologists regarding the peaceful protest movement known...

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Murder threats against Tupinanba Chief Babau – Petition calling for a full investigation (2.12.19)

Cacique Babau ameaçado de morte por liderar processo de demarcação da Terra Indígena Tupinambá de Olivença, Bahia (Tupinamba Chief Babau threatened to death for leading demarcation process of the Terra Indigene Tupinamba de Olivença, Bahia) Faça parte do abaixo assinado enviando email com seu nome complete e afiliação institucional:...

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