Past President

William Balée: SALSA President 2002-2005

  William Balée Tulane University SALSA President 2002-2005 William Balée received his PhD from Columbia University in 1984. Field of Study: Cultural anthropology; Amazonia; historical ecology; ethnobiology. He has conducted fieldwork among Ka'apor, Guajá, Araweté, Tembé, Assurini do Xingu, and Sirionó societies. He teaches courses including cultural anthropology, ecological...

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Donald Pollock: SALSA President 2001-2002

Donald Pollock University of Buffalo SALSA President 2001-2002 Research Topics The culture of contemporary medicine (including the social history of physician autobiography, the culture of tertiary care medicine, and health disparities); Traditional healing, shamanism, and personhood in Amazonian communities Donald Pollock's institutional webpage: ...

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