AAA-SALSA COVID-19 Taskforce

¡Adiós, apu Lyndon Pishagua! gran dirigente de la selva central (7-26-20)

¡Adiós, apu Lyndon Pishagua! gran dirigente de la selva central Servindi 7-26-20 Vivimos tiempos difíciles y dolorosos en los que cada día una noticia aciaga enluta al movimiento indígena con una pérdida irreparable que deja un vacío inmenso, incomensurable, imposible de llenar. El domingo 26 de julio falleció...

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“Hay indicios significativos para que autoridades brasileñas, incluido Bolsonaro, sean investigadas por genocidio” (7-25-20)

“Hay indicios significativos para que autoridades brasileñas, incluido Bolsonaro, sean investigadas por genocidio” Eliane Brum, El País 7-25-20 La jurista Deisy Ventura, especialista en la relación entre pandemias y derecho internacional, dice que existen todos los elementos necesarios para clasificar como crimen de lesa humanidad la actuación del...

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Aumentan los casos de COVID-19 en el pueblo indígena Yuqui y en Charagua Iyambae (7-25-20)

Aumentan los casos de COVID-19 en el pueblo indígena Yuqui y en Charagua Iyambae CEJIS 7-25-20 En los territorios indígenas de Charagua Iyambae (Santa Cruz) y Yuqui (Cochabamba) los casos de coronavirus se incrementaron hasta este 23 de julio, según los reportes emitidos por sus representantes. En el...

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COVID-19: an existential threat for Indigenous peoples of the Amazon (7-21-20)

COVID-19: an existential threat for Indigenous peoples of the Amazon Theodor Borrmann, PreventionWeb 7-21-20 “The guardians of the forests are in danger!”, Tuntiak Katan observes at the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak. His warning still echoes and reverberates in my head. Over the last three months, the coronavirus...

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Yanomami mothers fight for the right to bury their children during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil (7-24-20)

Yanomami mothers fight for the right to bury their children during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil Emily Costa and Kátia Brasil 7-24-20 Amazônia Real's report located indigenous children buried without their families' knowledge. On July 1, a mother of Yanomami ethnicity, and member of the Sanöma subgroup, received her...

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Brazil indigenous chief Aritana hospitalized with COVID-19 after arduous journey (7-22-20)

Brazil indigenous chief Aritana hospitalized with COVID-19 after arduous journey Ueslei Marcelino 7-22-20 Aritana Yawalapiti, one of Brazil’s most influential indigenous leaders, arrived at a hospital in the central city of Goiânia early on Wednesday to be treated at an intensive care unit for COVID-19, after an arduous...

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