Rubenstein Memorial

Valeria Perez Vega

Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship 2023 – Valeria Pérez Vega

Steven Lee Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship 2023 Valeria Pérez Vega PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology, PPGAS Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) For every SALSA conference since 2016, a travel stipend has been awarded to a graduate student, recent PhD, or precariously employed member who wishes...

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William Boose

Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship 2023 – William Boose

Steven Lee Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship 2023 William Boose PhD Candidate in Anthropology, Emory University (USA) For every SALSA conference since 2016, a travel stipend has been awarded to a graduate student, recent PhD, or precariously employed member who wishes to present their work at the SALSA sesquiannual meetings....

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Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship 2019 – Juana Valentina Nieto

Steven Lee Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship 2019 Juana Valentina Nieto Universidade Federale de Santa Catarina, Brazil SALSA’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the Stephen Lee Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship Committee has selected Dra. Juana Valentina Nieto (Universidade Federale de Santa Catarina) to receive its Travel Award to present...

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