Working Papers on South American Indians

Working Papers on South American Indians 

Working Papers on South American Indians

Working Papers on South American Indians

Kenneth M. Kensinger, Series Editor

Working Papers on South American Indians (WPSAI) originally appeared in seven print issues, published at irregular intervals from 1979 to 1985 by Bennington College. Kenneth M. Kensinger served as series editor. During these years, Kensinger also hosted an annual meeting of lowland South Americanists at Bennington College. These meetings, often called the Bennington Meetings, were one of the most important sites for exchange of information and presentation of new research amog lowland South Americanists. Kensinger’s dedication to this flow of information was passionate: in the introduction to the first issue of WPSAI, Kensinger stated: “It is our belief that any increase in the flow of communication between persons interested in South American Indians can be beneficial to our common and individual scholarly pursuits.” Thus, in addition to hosting the Bennington Meetings, Kensinger edited Working Papers on South American Indians to facilitate “the rapid dissemination between specialists of new data … without the normal impedimenta of journal and book publication.” WPSAI published papers presented at lowland South Americanist symposia in the AAA and ICA meetings, with added forewords, introductions, commentaries, as well as wholly original writing. Often cited, but now very hard to find in print, we hope that this digital reissue will facilitate access to WPSAI for a new generation of students and scholars.
