The Demography of Small-Scale Societies: Case Studies for Lowland South America
December 25, 2019
The Demography of Small-Scale Societies: Case Studies for Lowland South America
South American Indian Studies, Number 4, March 1994 (File format: PDF, File size: 58 MB)
Editors: Kathleen Adams and David Price
Series Editor: Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Introduction, Kathleen Adams and David Price
- Demographic Change and Marriage Choices in One Carib Family, Kathleen Adams
- What Is a Population? Spouse Import in the Northwest Amazon, Janet M Chemela
- Demographic Crisis and Recovery: A Case Study of the Xavante of Pimentel Barbosa, Nancy Flowers
- Observations about a Central Brazilian Indigenors Population: The Bakairi, Debra Picchi
- Some Demographic Aspects of the Canela fndians of Brazil, Margaret E. Greene and William H. Crocker
- Notes on Nambiquara Demography, David Price,
- Cultural Change, Polygrny, and Fertility among the Shipibo of the Peruvian Amazon, Warren M. Hernr