
Daniela Alarcon launched the book “O retorno da terra” in Tupinamba territory (12-23-19)

O retorno da terra launched

Daniela Fernandes Alarcon launched O retorno da terra in Tupinamba territory

The book O retorno da terra: as retomadas na aldeia tupinambá da Serra do Padeiro, Sul da Bahia, by Daniela Fernandes Alarcon, winner of the 2018 Norm and Sibby Whitten Publication Subvention Award, was launched in December 13 of 2019 in the Tupinamba territory. Here are the author’s remarks about this event:

“I have just arrived from the Tupinambá territory, where we launched the book on December 13th [2019]. It was a very, very touching and powerful occasion. The community organized a toré ritual, led by the main feminine leader of the aldeia, and held a panel with me, three elders and a cacique from a neighboring aldeia who was visiting (unfortunately, Cacique Babau, from Serra do Padeiro, was out of the aldeia that day, but he joined us later). The panel was very well-attended and people really participated in the debate. While in the state of Bahia, we also launched it at the Federal University of Southern Bahia and at the Federal University of Bahia (in Salvador), during the Reunião Equatorial de Antropologia.

The publisher offered a hundred volumes of the book for free for the Tupinambá and they have already started distributing it to the communities located within the territory and also for other Indigenous peoples and allies. On my side, I have started offering copies to the main libraries in Brazil and to some key researchers and activists.
The book is available at the main libraries in Brazil and only by Editora Elefante. The publisher said that the e-book is going to be available for sale next year.
Thanks for SALSA’s support to my work!”