Awardees N & S Whitten Publication Subvention 2024-2025
March 3, 2025
Please join me and members of this year’s Norm and Sibby Whitten Publication Subvention Award Selection Committee (Evan Killick, chair, Lukas Keese and Juliana Oliveira Silva) in congratulating this year’s award winners.
The 2004-25 awardees are:
- Julie Velásquez Runk with Wounaan Podpa Nʌm Pömaam and Wir Haigpai Podpa Nʌm Majé for their book, Interwoven Rosewood: Beauty, Being, and Belonging, that will be published by the University of Arizona Press.
- Luis Felipe Torres Espinoza for his book, “Wutsrukatenni Pirana – Historia de nuestros antiguos (lamentablemente muertos),” to be published by CISEPA – PUCP / Centro de Investigación Sociológica, Económica, Política y Antropológica de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
We are deeply grateful to Norm Whitten for his generosity and giving SALSA the opportunity to make these wonderful awards. These soon to be published books pay tribute to Norm and his late wife, Sibby.
Warmly/con carinho,