Goeldi Museum opens call for grant submissions
September 23, 2015
Goeldi Museum opens call for grant submissions
The Goeldi Museum in Belem has opened a call for grant submisions for 1-2 year institutional development grants (PCI program) to be hosted at the Museum, including a significant number of grants for senior researchers, recent PhDs and Master’s students. The program contemplates a wide number of themes relevant to anthropology including Sociobidiversity, Anthropogenic landscapes and Cultural Heritage. The call will remain open through late December, 2015, for projects than could begin between October 2015 and January 2016. Projects can be approved for up to 12 months with the possibility of renewal for another 12 months after a review of results.
Grant covers salary stipend only, but research projects can be developed in collaboration with existing researches and projects. For information on applying access the call for submissions (in Portuguese).
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