Whitten Publication Subvention Award

Whitten Publication Subvention

The Norm and Sibby Whitten Publication Subvention Award

The Whitten Publication Subvention Award is designed to assist with the publication of original monographs and peer-reviewed articles that make an important contribution to anthropological scholarship on lowland South America or to the discipline more generally. Each year and while funds are available, SALSA will offer one subvention to offset the costs of publication of a monograph.
An Award can be applied to the following purposes: publication subvention for monographs; publication subvention for gold open access peer-reviewed articles; proofreading and language-checking of monographs and articles.

Calls for applications

The Whitten Publication Subvention Award 2024-2025 (Application deadline: January 31, 2025)

The Whitten Publication Subvention Award 2023-2024 (Application deadline: January 15, 2024)

The Whitten Publication Subvention Award 2020-2021 (Application deadline: November 30, 2020)

The Whitten Publication Subvention Award 2019-2020 (Application deadline: November 30, 2019)

Past recipients

202425 – Two awards were given to Luis Felipe Torres Espinoza for his book, “Wutsrukatenni Pirana – Historia de nuestros antiguos (lamentablemente muertos),” to be published by CISEPA – PUCP / Centro de Investigación Sociológica, Económica, Política y Antropológica de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; and Julie Velásquez Runk with Wounaan Podpa Nʌm Pömaam and Wir Haigpai Podpa Nʌm Majé for their book, Interwoven Rosewood: Beauty, Being, and Belonging, that will be published by the University of Arizona Press. 

2023-24 – Two awards were given to Lauriene Seraguza Olegário e Souza, to publish her monograph “As Donas do Fogo política e parentesco nos mundos guarani” (Editora Elephante), and to Nehemías Pino to publish his monograph “Tras el Rastro del Bote Cauchero: Memorias rituales y textos fenomenológicos en el medio Napo” (AbyaYala & CAAAP).

2020-21 – An award was given to three publications by Douglas Campelo; Christina Callicott and Marco Sangama Cachay; and Juan Rivera Andía

2019-20 – Lucas Keese dos Santos, for “A esquiva do xondaro – movimento e ação política entre os Guarani Mbya.”

2018Daniela Fernandes Alarcon (for “O retorno da terra: as retomadas na aldeia Tupinambá da Serra do Padeiro, sul da Bahia”) and Giovanna Bacchiddu (for “Gente de Isla. Una etnografía de Chiloé”).

2017 – There were no regular applications for this award in 2017. The Board agreed to provide exceptional awards to Hau Books for the publication of Terry Turner’s The Fire of the Jaguar ($5000), and to SHARE-Amazónica in support of their Classic Anthropology Series ($3000).

Selection committee

2024 – Evan Killick (chair), Lukas Keese, and Juliana Oliveira Silva

2023 – Minna Opas (chair), Courtney Stafford-Walter, and Jeremy Campbell

2019-2023 – Minna Opas (chair), Elizabeth Ewart, and César Ceriani

2018 – Minna Opas (chair), Elizabeth Ewart, and Luisa Elvira Belaunde

Past awardees and Related Posts