Leadership in Lowland South America
December 28, 2019
Leadership in Lowland South America
South American Indian Studies, Number 1, August 1993 (File format: PDF. File size: 45.76 MB)
Editor: Waud H. Kracke
Series Editor: Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Series Editor’s Foreword by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Introduction by Waud H. Kracke
- Factors Favoring the Development of Political Leadership in Amazonia by Robert L. Carneiro
- Kagwahiv Headmanship in Peace and War by Waud H. Kracke
- Leadership and Factionalism in Cashinahua Society by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- I Saw the Sound of the Waterfall: Shamanism, Gods, and Leadership in Piaroa Society by Joanna Overing
- Physical Substance and Knowledge: Dualism in Suya Society by Anthony Seeger
- Waiting for the Inca-God by Michael J. Harner