Como si fuésemos los antiguos (2017)
December 28, 2017
Como si fuésemos los antiguos
Giovanna Bacchiddu
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2017
Como si fuésemos los antiguos (As if we were the ancients )shows aspects of the research project “Entre el arte y la vida: encuentro con niños de una escuela rural de Apiao”, within the interdisciplinary project Dialogos del Reconocimiento, that combined several dyads of artists and anthropologists in an indigenous setting. Here Giovanna Bacchiddu and Francisco Schwember interact and collaborate with children in a rural school in the island of Apiao, Chiloé (Chile), reflecting on the past and on the environment.
- Director/Author: Josefina Buschmann.
- Producer: Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research (CIIR), 2017.
- People: Niños de una escuela rural de Apiao, Chiloé, Chile.
- Language: Spanish with subtitles in English.
- Length: 00:11:46
This film was screened at the XII SALSA Sesquiannual Conference in Vienna (2019).
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