
SALSA XIII Biennial Conference – Instructions for Organizers and Presenters

SALSA XIII Biennial Conference SALSA XIII Biennial Conference

Instructions for Organizers and Presenters

[expand title=”Instructions for thematic panel organizers” tag=”h2″]

(Note that Thematic Panels and Workshops function differently!)

Panels will feature a minimum of four and a maximum of fifteen paper presentations. Panels will be broken down into sessions in the program schedule.  Each session will be approximately two hours, and will consist of approximately 5 papers and 20 minutes of discussion.  Panel organizers may choose to have discussants, and can use some of their presentation time for discussants instead of presenters. All presentations will be scheduled for 20 minutes in the conference program, and organizers should ensure that their panelists are aware of this limit when writing their papers.

Organizers are responsible for determining who will act as Chair for their panel, and whether or not there will be any discussants. It is the organizer’s responsibility to communicate this information to the Academic Program Chair ([email protected]) well in advance. Generally, the role of the panel Chair will include ensuring that presenters do not exceed the 20-minute time limit and moderating the open discussion/Q and A portions. Chairs may solicit additional volunteers to perform these roles if their panel has multiple sections.

Live presentations are welcomed and encouraged.  Pre-recording is an option, however, in individual cases where it could mitigate potential internet connectivity issues or facilitate greater language accessibility. Recorded presentations will be played at their scheduled time in the conference program as part of their designated panel/workshop session, and will remain accessible to all conference attendees for the duration of the conference along with the live recording of the session. Only registered conference attendees will be able to access these materials through the conference website’s secure login system.Organizers should be aware of anyone on their panel who intends to submit a prerecording rather than delivering a live presentation, and are asked to help ensure that the panelist submits their recording to the Academic Program Chair, Laura Mentore, by no later than June 1, 2021.

*Note: Prior to the conference, the conference organizers will conduct informational sessions with the members of each panel to review zoom features, and conduct an abbreviated rehearsal of the panel.


[expand title=”Instructions for workshop organizers” tag=”h2″]

(Note that Workshops and Thematic Panels function differently!)

A workshop is a focused discussion of a topic defined by the workshop organizer, with well-developed papers submitted in advance and the expectation that participants will read and be prepared to discuss each other’s papers. Workshops will be conducted as zoom meetings.

It is expected that each participant will present a summary or highlights of their paper in 15 to 20 minutes, after which there will be 40 to 45 minutes for careful discussion.

Organizers are responsible for determining who will act as Chair for the workshop, and how discussions will be formatted. It is the organizer’s responsibility to communicate this information to the Academic Program Chair ([email protected]) well in advance. Generally, the role of the Chair will include ensuring that speakers do not exceed their designated time limits and moderating any open discussion/Q and A portions. Chairs may solicit additional volunteers to help perform these roles if their panel has multiple sections.

It is the organizers’ responsibility to establish and enforce their workshop’s deadline for receiving papers, and to circulate these in advance to the workshop participants.  An author who fails to meet the deadline established by the organizer may be dropped from the session.  Workshop organizers may redefine procedures as appropriate to the session’s objective, but will inform the Academic Program Chair of the matter; however, the requirement for pre-circulation of fairly completed drafts is essential to the workshop format.  The organizer is also responsible for ensuring that the workshop has a well-defined plan for moderating discussion, and that guidelines and roles are communicated to participants in advance.

Live presentations are welcomed and encouraged.  Pre-recording is an option, however, in individual cases where it could mitigate potential internet connectivity issues or facilitate greater language accessibility. Recorded presentations will be played at their scheduled time in the conference program as part of their designated panel/workshop session, and will remain accessible to all conference attendees for the duration of the conference along with the live recording of the session. Only registered conference attendees will be able to access these materials through the conference website’s secure login system. Organizers should be aware of anyone on their workshop who intends to submit a prerecording rather than delivering a live presentation, and are asked to help ensure that these members of the workshop submit their recording to the Academic Program Chair, Laura Mentore, by no later than June 1, 2021.

*Note: prior to the conference, the conference organizers will conduct an informational session with the members of each workshop to review zoom features and conduct an abbreviated rehearsal of the workshop.


[expand title=”Instructions for presenters of individual papers” tag=”h2″]

SALSA membership and conference registration are required in order to present a paper.  This includes non-presenting co-authors who wish to attend the conference.

Members of workshops should receive instructions from the workshop organizers regarding the format of their workshop, the length of papers, and when their paper needs to be submitted for pre-circulation among all workshop participants. The time limit for all presentations on panels is 20 minutes. The Academic Program Chair will organize accepted independent papers (i.e. not attached to a panel or workshop) into thematic panels, or assign them to an appropriate organized panel that has an opening.

Live presentations are welcomed and encouraged.  Pre-recording your presentation is an option, however, in individual cases where it could mitigate potential internet connectivity issues or facilitate greater language accessibility. If you would like to submit a recording of your presentation rather than present it live during the conference, please notify the Academic Program Chair as soon as possible ([email protected]) and notify the organizers of your event as well. Recordings must be submitted by no later than June 1, 2021 in order to be included in the program. Recorded presentations will be played at their scheduled time in the conference program as part of their panel/workshop session, and will remain accessible to all conference attendees for the duration of the conference along with the live recording of the session. Only registered conference attendees will be able to access these materials through the conference website’s secure login system.


[expand title=”Instructions for films and artistic works” tag=”h2″]

Before the conference start date, films and artistic works will be uploaded to a dedicated page on the conference website.  They will be available for conference participants to view at their leisure for the duration of the conference. Only registered conference attendees will be able to access these materials through the conference website’s secure login system. Please be sure to communicate with the Academic Program Chair ([email protected]) regarding any particular details or specific needs for your event.  All film screenings and artistic works will have a period of designated live discussion time in the program or alternative means for conference participants to post comments and questions.


[expand title=”Instruction for poster presenters” tag=”h2″]

(Open to non-member students and professional members.)

Students at all levels may present a poster. SALSA membership is required, and poster presenters must register for the conference.

Given that this is an online conference, posters may have an audio component, or a visual component only.  Poster presenters may choose their desired platform/program for creating their poster.  This information should be discussed with the Academic Program Chair ([email protected]) by April 30, 2021. Any poster presentation with audio or video components (i.e. anything other than a static visual poster in digital form) may not exceed 10 minutes. Posters will be uploaded to a dedicated page on the conference website in advance of the conference start date, and will be available for conference participants to view at their leisure for the duration of the conference. Only registered conference attendees will be able to access these materials through the conference website’s secure login system. All poster presenters will have 15 minutes of live discussion time in the program schedule.

Posters must be submitted to the Academic Program Chair by June 1, 2021.


–Jeremy M. Campbell (SALSA President 2020-2023), Laura R. Graham (SALSA President-Elect 2023-2027), Laura Zanotti (Secretary-Treasurer 2017-2020), George Mentore (SALSA 2021 Conference Organizer), Laura Mentore (SALSA 2021 Academic Program Chair), Juan Alvaro Echeverri (SALSA Webmaster).

Please send all inquiries about this conference to: [email protected]