Fospa public pronouncement: Communities of the Amazon demand immediate actions from governments of the 9 Amazon countries (5-27-20)
Fospa public pronouncement: Communities of the Amazon demand immediate actions from governments of the 9 Amazon countries
Stop the spread of the Covid pandemic- 19 in the Amazon territories, avoid the ethnocide of their towns and the disappearance of the Amazon.
The organizations natives, social movements and civil society institutions of the 9 countries of the Amazon basin that are part of the FOSPA, We reaffirm what was stated and agreed in the Tarapoto Charter of our VIII International Meeting[1] : “… the Amazon and Andean peoples we resist and survive with the unwavering commitment to defend life in our territories… we continue resisting and mobilizing to transform societies and states, questioning the development model extractivist and affirming new paradigms based on proposals such as Life Full, The good life, Living Well and territorial self-government ”. For previously exposed, we demand from the governments of Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Surinam and Guyana (French):
1. Support and respect the urgent and culturally appropriate measures proposed by the peoples and their organizations, to stop the spread of the pandemic and protect the integrity and life of the men and women of the peoples Amazon and Andean
2. Participation effective of the representative organizations of the Amazonian peoples and Andeans in the decision-making instances of the governments of the countries panamazonics for the management of pandemic
3. Strengthen of urgently health systems that are abandoned or in precarious situation to contain the advance of the pandemic in the territories of the Amazon and Andean peoples and apply protocols culturally appropriate for the prevention and care of infections and deaths from Covid-19
4. Implement information and prevention campaigns on the Covid-19 pandemic, with an intercultural approach and in languages original
5. Secure the distribution of food and basic necessities as well as articles of hygiene in the communities, populated centers etc. through a strategy that include representative organizations of peoples, Following protocols that prevent the further spread of the pandemic.
6. Respect and reinforce the decision of the Amazon and Andean peoples to close their borders and control their territories, exercising your right to freedom determination and autonomy, to defend against the pandemic and avoid further spread
7. Guarantee and ensure the absolute intangibility of the territories of all peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact (MARKET) from the Amazon countries, for being a population in a situation of high vulnerability and risk of extermination.
8. Suspend extractive activities (Petroleum, mining and forestry), infrastructure megaprojects, agribusiness, etc. So how to evaluate its resumption or not, considering the danger they pose to the health and life of the Amazon and Andean peoples
9. Suspend post-intervention pandemic that may exacerbate the crisis and risk to the Amazon and its towns, privileging the protection actions led by their peoples and population.
10. Adapt differentially the guidelines and protocols for handling the bodies of deceased indigenous people to cause of the pandemic, in consideration of the worldview, applications, customs and cultural conception of death as a return to Mother Earth.
11. Disaggregate the data with the ethnic variable in the periodic reports of the Public Health organizations, with in order to make effective and culturally relevant decisions that allow contain this pandemic.