Working Papers on South American Indians
Kenneth M. Kensinger, Series Editor
Number 2, Spring 1980 (File format: PDF. File size: 3.87 MB)
Issue editor: Raymond B. Hames
- Editor’s Preface by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Introduction by Raymond B. Hames
- An Analysis of Amazonian Hunting Yields as a Function of Settlement Age by William T. Vickers
- Game Depletion and Hunting Zone Rotation among the Ye’Kwana and Yanomamö of Amazonas, Venezuela by Raymond B. Hames
- Fishing and Hunting by the Barí of Colombia by Stephen Beckerman
- Highland New Guinea Models in the South American Lowlands by Napoleon Chagnon
- The Limits to Protein by Bernard Neitschmann
Number 3, August 1981 (File format: PDF. File size: 13.08 MB)
Editors: Kenneth M. Kensinger and Waud H. Kracke
- Foreword by Kenneth M. Kensinger and Waud H. Kracke
- From Forest to Mouth: Reflections on the Txicão Theory of Substance by Patrick Menget
- Protein, Protein, What is Done in Thy Name? by Jean-Paul Dumont and Marshall Hurlich
- Knowledge and Praxis in Sanuma Food Prohibitions by Kenneth I. Taylor
- Food Taboos and the Balance of Oppositions among the Barasana and Taiwano by Thomas A. Langdon
- The Semiotics of Tabooed Food: Shokleng (Ge) by Greg Urban
- Don’t Let the Piranha Bite Your Liver by Waud H. Kracke
- Cubeo Dietary Rules by Irving Goldman
- Food Taboos as Markers of Age Categories in Cashinahua by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Infancy Related Food Taboos among the Shipibo by Joan Abelove and Roberta Campos
- Achuara Food Taboos by Pita Kelekna
- Food Taboos in Lowland South America: A Discussion by Donald F. Tuzin
- Protean Analyses of Food Taboos in Lowland South America: The Search for a Framework by Fitz John Porter Poole
Number 4, August 1983 (File format: PDF. File size: 39.43 MB)
Organizer and Convener: Jane Fearer Safer
Editor: Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Editor’s Foreword by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Introduction by Jane Fearer Safer
- Shamanism and Leadership in the Gran Chaco: A Dynamic View by Elmer S. Miller
- Ethnohistory of Andean-Montaña Contacts: An Abstract by Gertrude Dole
- Organization Through Opposition: Dual Division and Quadripartition by Patricia J. Netherly
- “Traditional” Ethnic Boundaries in the Central Northwest Amazon by Jean E. Jackson
- The Llanos: Periphery as Center by Robert V. Morey and Nancy C. Morey
- The Guajiro by Benson Saler
- Bibliography
Number 5, July 1984 (File format: PDF. File size: 25.77 MB)
Editor: Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Foreword by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Sex and Food: Reciprocity in Cashinahua Society? by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Delights and Dangers: Notes on Sexuality in the Upper Xingu by Patrick Menget
- Sexed Time by Bernard Arcand
- Sex and Power in Siona Society by E. Jean Langdon
- The Mehinaku Myth of Matriarchy by Thomas Gregor
- Female Scarcity, Gender Ideology, and Sexual Politics in the Northwest Amazon by Janet Chernela
- Bibliography
Number 7, March 1985 (File format: PDF. File size: 677 KB)
Organizer and Convener: Judith Shapiro
Editor: Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Foreword by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- The Sibling Relationship in Lowland South America: General Considerations by Judith Shapiro
- Looking for a Sister: Culina Siblingship and Affinity by Donald K. Pollock
- Nambiquara Brothers by David Price
- Cashinahua Siblingship by Kenneth M. Kensinger
- Agnatic Sibling Relations and Rank in Arawakan Myth and Social Life by Jonathan D. Hill
- The Sibling Relationship among the Uanano of the Northwest Amazon: The Case of Nicho by Janet Chernela
- Sibling Relations in Lowland South America: A Commentary on Symposium Papers by Raymond C. Kelly
- Comment on Siblingship in Lowland South America by Elen B. Basso
- Bibliography