Alcineis Acate Peres -Whitten Research Fund 2022
December 17, 2022
Alcineis Acate Peres
Winner of the Norm and Sibby Whitten Research Fund 2022-2023
Indigenous practices and knowledge in the Amazon triple frontier: The Kokama sociocultural expression at the Guanabara community school II
The initial objective of this project is to investigate, through practices and knowledge, sociocultural expressions of the Kokama people in the educational process in the Guanabara II community school. That is, understanding how the school space can be a promoter of knowledge and practices of Kokama sociocultural expressions to ensure quality teaching and learning, but which does not lose the origins and traditions that are important to the people.
About Alcineis Acate Peres
Alcineis Acate Peres is a Master student at the program in Estudos Latino Americanos of the Universidade Federal da Integração Latino Americana- UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu (PR, Brazil). He was granted 1,200 USD.